Specialty Units
Specialty Units
Special Victims Unit
Seth Giller, Chief – Read Bio
Connie Yarborough
Rebecca Neal
Carhart, Investigator
Marley Tyler – Victim Advocate
The Special Victims Unit, (“SVU”) is comprised of several prosecutors, victim advocates, a prosecution assistant, and an investigator. The SVU is dedicated to the investigation and prosecution of all sexual and physical child abuse, sexual assaults, domestic violence, human trafficking, child pornography, and vulnerable adult abuse. SVU members partner with law enforcement and local service providers to provide support and assistance to victims of these crimes.
Economic Crimes Unit
Melissa Hockensmith, Chief – Read Bio
David Rolle – Investigator
The Economic Crimes Unit, (“ECU”), investigates and prosecutes a variety of financial crimes such as felony theft, fraud, elder financial abuse and identity theft. Investigation of these crimes can often be complex and time-consuming. Attorneys and investigators work collaboratively to obtain information, review evidence, interview witnesses and make appropriate charging determinations. ECU also strives to increase awareness of financial crimes by making community presentations and teaching at legal and law enforcement training forums.
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Major Offenders Unit
Elizabeth Camuti, ChiefAllen Albaugh, Investigator/Analyst
Major Offender Unit, (“MOU”) targets violent offenders, repeat felony drug offenders, heroin and prescription drug dealers connected to overdose deaths and members of drug distribution organizations for aggressive prosecution. MOU works closely with law enforcement to focus its efforts on the individuals identified as the most significant offenders in Carroll County. While the majority of MOU cases are felony matters handled in the Circuit Court for Carroll County, there is a district court prosecutor assigned to the unit to ensure coverage of identified cases at all levels.
This unit also focuses on intelligence driven prosecution, with an analyst assigned to the unit who utilizes databases and data analysis platforms to draw connections to strengthen proactive investigations and enhance sentencing outcomes.
Vehicular Homicide Unit
Adam Wells, Chief – Read Bio
The Vehicular Homicide Unit (VHU) is responsible for investigating and prosecuting serious traffic crimes including vehicular manslaughter, homicide by driving under the influence, and hit and run cases involving serious bodily injury or death. The VHU works collaboratively with police agencies on these investigations, which often involve complicated reconstruction and forensic evidence that can take several months to properly process and complete. Due to the devastating nature of these crimes, the VHU works with a dedicated victim advocate to ensure adequate support of victims and their families.
Community Education and Outreach Unit
Tim Weber, CPP – Community Education Liaison – Read Bio
Our community education liaison actively supports various outreach and school programs aimed at prevention and education for the community. These programs include initiatives such as “Don’t Believe the Lie,” “Special OPTS” (Opiate Prevention and Teen Support), and “Shatter the Cycle,” all integrated into Carroll County Public Schools. Additionally, a “Threats in Plain Sight” program is available to all Carroll County parents, offering insights into hidden dangers in teenagers’ rooms in a one-hour session.
Furthermore, our Community Education liaison serves as the case manager for the Early Intervention Program, designed for individuals in the early stages of addiction, aiming to prevent deeper involvement in the criminal justice system. This year-long program offers the opportunity for record expungement upon successful completion.
For further information or to express interest in these programs, please contact tweber@carrollcountymd.gov or call 410-386-2671.
Victim Witness Unit
Marley Tyler – Advocate
Emma Bartow – Advocate
Taylor Williams – Advocate
The Victim Witness Unit consists of Victim Witness Advocates who provide support and guidance to all victims and witnesses throughout the criminal justice process. In all criminal proceedings’ victims have a right to be informed, to be present, and to be heard. Our Victim Witness Advocates assure victims are aware of these rights, as well as others not included, and that they are accorded those rights. Advocates also assist with scheduling, service referrals, trial preparation, and court room support for victims, as well as witnesses.