Don’t Believe the Lie
7th Grade Program
The Don’t Believe the Lie Program focuses on the dangers of drug and alcohol use by students. We show a video that we created with the assistance of our county high school students. The video will show a student confronted with choosing to use alcohol or drugs and using refusal skills to avoid alcohol and drugs. During the program, we will discuss and teach various refusal skills that students can use when offered alcohol or drugs to prepare them to make good choices now and in the future.
Special OPTS (Opiate Prevention & Teen Support)
11th Grade Program
The Special OPTS Prevention Program is one of our office’s many steps to address the significant drug overdose challenges. This program is designed to focus on the dangers of opiate, fentanyl, and heroin drug use and the risks of alcohol use by students. Many of those involved in drug addiction trace their initial downward spiral back to their use of alcohol and drugs while in high school. This program uses firsthand experience from local peers and a very powerful message from a local mom. She lost her son to an overdose, and the program ends with valuable county resources for all students and staff.

Threats in Plain Sight (TIPS)
TIPS is designed to point out the NOT so obvious signs of drug use in a teenage bedroom. This is a program for all parents and caregivers of school-age children. A mock drug bedroom setup and follow-up video detailing what parents should look for and what might be hidden in plain sight. This is an eye-opening experience for all parents to see what to look for and how easy drugs and paraphernalia are to hide in plain sight. As in all our programs, this is followed up with questions and answers, and county resources are provided to all in attendance.

Heroin Still Kills
Twenty years after the original Heroin Kills video was released, the premiere of Heroin Still Kills was presented to the public. It was produced by The State’s Attorney’s Office and the Carroll County Health Department and hosted by Carroll Community College on January 22, 2019. The updated version touches on the rise of overdoses related to prescription opioids and fentanyl. The importance of education is still critically important in today’s society. If you are struggling or know someone who is fighting the addiction, please get in touch with our office for resources.
Catherine’s Cause
To End Drunk Driving
Catherine’s Cause is an anti drunk driving organization. Catherine’s Cause was established after MADD re-organized and left Carroll County, Md. The founders Mrs. Cynthia M. Mullikin and Capt Philip W. Mullikin had been MADD volunteers. There are about 15 active volunteers for Catherine’s Cause. They range from Police Officers, and Paramedics to Grandparents. The one common factor is that they are all parents with a concern for the lives of others. DUI/DWI drivers who are court ordered to attend a Catherine’s Cause Forum fund CC. Monies collected through the Forums are given back to the community in grants to various organizations such as Md. Special Olympics, law enforcement agencies, but mostly in the form of scholarships to young people who wish to become teachers.