Latest Past Events


The State's Attorney's Office will be presenting the Special O.P.T.S program to the Juniors and Seniors at Gateway High School.  The Opiates Prevention and Teen Support program reflects on drug abuse and overdose issues and the effects to everyone involved.


The State's Attorney's Office will be presenting the Special O.P.T.S program to the Junior and Senior's at Westminster High School.  The Opiates Prevention and Teen Support program reflects on the drug abuse and overdose issues and the effects to everyone involved.

Westminster Fallfest

The 39th Annual Fallfest is September 23rd through 24th!  The State's Attorney's Office along with Westminster Police Department and the Masonic Lodge will provide the Maryland CHIPS identification kits for parents.  The identification kits include photo of your child, voice recording and digital fingerprinting.  Bring your friends and family to the biggest fall festival in […]